Informasi Beasiswa Fulbright Humphrey 2011/2012

Info Beasiswa (scBS) • ABOUT AMINEF: The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF), established in 1992, is a bi-national non-profit foundation that administers the Fulbright Program in Indonesia. The Fullbright Program through AMINEF annually awards more than 120 scholarships to Americans and Indonesians to study, teach, or conduct original research in a variety of disciplines. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare, and health insurance.

Info Beasiswa (scBS) • Program beasiswa dari American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) adalah beasiswa Hubert H. Humphrey 2010/2011. Beasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada profesional tingkat-menengah Indonesia. Tawaran beasiswa tersebut merupakan program non-gelar, yang menggabungkan perkuliahan tingkat pascasarjana dengan kegiatan pengembangan keprofesionalan di Amerika Serikat (AS) selama 9 bulan.

Program ini ditawarkan kepada para tenaga administrator dalam posisi memimpin dan berpengalaman kerja paling sedikit lima tahun di lembaga publik atau swasta nir-laba termasuk Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) yang berkomitmen pada pelayanan masyarakat. Selain harus bergelar Sarjana (S1) dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (pada skala 4,00), nilai TOEFL paling rendah dimiliki pelamar adalah 525.

Beberapa bidang studi sebagai latar belakang dan menjadi syarat khusus pelamar beasiswa ini antara lain Ilmu Pertanian, Komunikasi/Jurnalistik, Pembangunan Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Manajemen Sumber Daya, Analisa Kebijakan Publik dan Administrasi Publik, Manajemen dan Kebijakan Teknologi, Perencanaan Daerah dan Perkotaan, Manajemen Kebijakan Kesehatan Masyarakat (termasuk di dalamnya mengenai kebijakan dan pencegahan HIV/AIDS, serta pendidikan penyalahgunaan dan pencegahan narkoba. Peneliti, ahli, penyedia kebijakan, atau konseptor program di instansi pemerintah atau swasta juga bisa mengirimkan aplikasi beasiswa ini.

Berikut adalah sekilas informasi mengenai beasiswa dan program program Fulbright dari AMINEF


Yayasan AMINEF menawarkan kesempatan belajar ke Amerika Serikat melalui program beasiswa Fulbright untuk tahun akademi 2010–2011. Sasaran utama Program Fulbright di Indonesia adalah meningkatkan saling pengertian antara bangsa Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat melalui kegiatan pertukaran pendidikan dan beasiswa akademis.Program beasiswa tersedia bagi warga negara Indonesia yang memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana ditetapkan untuk masing-masing program di bawah ini. Pemberian beasiswa ini sangat kompetitif dan komprehensif, yang pada umumnya mencakup biaya kuliah, uang buku, uang saku bulanan, tiket penerbangan internasional dan asuransi kesehatan.


  • Fulbright Master’s Degree Program
  • Fulbright-Freeport Master’s Degree Program
  • Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program (PH.D. Program)
  • Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program
  • Fulbright SENIOR Research Program
  • Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching (Indonesian) Assistant (FLTA) Program
  • HUBERT H. HUMPHREY Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals
  • Community College Initiative Program
  • International Leadership IN Education Program (ILEP)
  • 2010 International Fulbright Science and Technology Award For Ph.D. Study
  • 2011 – 2012 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Global UGRAD
  • Fulbright-DIKTI Master’s Degree Program
  • Fulbright-DIKTI PH.D. Program
  • Fulbright-DIKTI Doctoral Dissertation Research (DDR) Award Program
  • Fulbright-DIKTI Senior Research Award Program

Ringkasan Program


Beasiswa Hubert H. Humphrey ditawarkan kepada profesional tingkat-menengah Indonesia untuk mengambil program nir-gelar yang menggabungkan perkuliahan tingkat pascasarjana dengan kegiatan pengembangan keprofesionalan di Amerika Serikat selama 9 bulan. Pelamar umumnya tenaga administrator dalam posisi memimpin dan berpengalaman kerja paling sedikit lima tahun di lembaga publik atau swasta nir-laba termasuk lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang berkomitmen pada pelayanan masyarakat.

Pelamar harus:

  • bergelar Sarjana (S1) dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (pada skala 4)
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 525 or IELTS of 5.5.

Prioritas Disiplin Ilmu:

Agricultural Development/Agricultural Economics; Communications/Journalism; Economic Development; Finance and Banking; Human Resources Management; Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration; Technology Policy and Management; Urban & Regional Planning; and Public Health Policy and Management (including HIV/AIDS policy and prevention, drug abuse education, treatment, and prevention).  Researchers, treatment providers, prevention specialists, and program planners at governmental or non-governmental organizations will also be considered).

DEADLINE. April 30, 2010.


Prioritas diberikan kepada staf pengajar perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di Indonesia.

Pelamar harus:

  • bergelar Sarjana (S1) dengan IPK 3.0 (pada skala 4)
  • berjiwa pemimpin serta memahami dengan baik kebudayaan Indonesia dan asing
  • berkomitmen pada bidang studi pilihan
  • bersedia kembali ke Indonesia setelah Program Fulbright selesai
  • dan memiliki nilai TOEFL paling rendah 550 atau IELTS 6.0.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at the AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:

  • Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise study objective.
  • Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, institutional TOEFL or IELTS score report.
  • One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
  • Copy of academic transcript (English translation).
  • Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).

DEADLINE: April 30, 2010.


Prioritas diberikan kepada staf pengajar Universitas Cenderawasih dan Universitas Negeri Papua; staf pengajar, sarjana atau peneliti dari perguruan tinggi swasta, kantor pemerintah, dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat di Papua, dan diprioritaskan untuk kelompok masyarakat Papua; selain itu, warga Papua yang bekerja atau tinggal di propinsi lain (staf pengajar atau peneliti) yang bersedia kembali ke Papua setelah Program Fulbright selesai.

Pelamar harus:

  • . bergelar Sarjana (S1) dengan IPK 3.0 (pada skala 4)
  • . berjiwa pemimpin serta memahami dengan baik kebudayaan Indonesia dan asing
  • . berkomitmen pada bidang studi pilihan serta pembangunan di Papua
  • . memiliki nilai TOEFL 500 / IELTS 575 untuk Master’s Degree and IELTS 6.5. for PhD

Fulbright Master’s atau PhD tersedia untuk bidang: Metallurgy, Geology / Geotechnical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Engineering (Electrical, Civil, Mechanical), Computer Science and Government / International Relations.

DEADLINE: April 30, 2010.


Pelamar harus seorang staf pengajar atau berencana menjadi staf pengajar pada perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta di Indonesia. Pelamar harus memiliki:

  • . gelar Master dengan IPK 3.0 (pada skala 4)
  • . jiwa kepemimpinan
  • . pemahaman dengan baik kebudayaan Indonesia dan asing
  • . komitmen pada bidang studi pilihan
  • . kesediaan untuk kembali ke Indonesia untuk bertugas mengajar setelah Program Fulbright selesai
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 575 or IELTS score of 6.5

Note: Based on recent changes in U.S. institution requirements, the TOEFL requirement for this program has been changed. The new requirement is as follows: "Generally, the TOEFL requirement for PhD program is 575 and above. However, in certain fields a score of 550 and above will be considered."

DISCIPLINES: Social Sciences, Religious Studies, Science and Engineering, Law, and Education-specifically, English Teaching and Higher Education Administration.

DEADLINE: April 30, 2010.


Beasiswa untuk penelitian di Amerika ini ditawarkan kepada mahasiswa program S3 di universitas di Indonesia yang tengah menulis disertasi.

  • Jangka waktu penelitian enam bulan.
  • The applicant should have a minimum institutional TOEFL score of  575 or IELTS 6.5. to participate in this program.

DEADLINE. The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is April 30, 2010.


Beasiswa untuk penelitian di Amerika ini ditawarkan kepada sarjana Indonesia yang bergelar doktor atau memiliki kualifikasi profesional yang setara.

  • Jangka waktu penelitian antara tiga sampai enam bulan.
  • Pelamar harus mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik agar
  • penelitian dan kegiatan yang berkaitan dapat berjalan lancar.

DEADLINE. The deadline for the submission of application materials for all programs is August 31, 2010.


Beasiswa ditawarkan kepada pengajar atau calon pengajar bahasa Inggris yang akan menjadi pengajar bahasa dan kebudayaan Indonesia di Amerika Serikat selama 9 bulan. Selain menjadi asisten pengajar, penerima beasiswa diberi kesempatan mengambil dua mata kuliah per semester di bidang Kajian Amerika Serikat dan/atau metodologi pengajaran bahasa Inggris.

Pelamar berusia tidak lebih dari 29 tahun pada waktu pendaftaran ditutup dan harus:

  • .bergelar S-1
  • .berjiwa pemimpin serta memahami dengan baik kebudayaan
  • Indonesia dan asing
  • .memiliki komitmen pada bidang pengajaran
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS 6.0.

DEADLINE. 30 April 2010.


The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State is pleased to announce the Community College Initiative Program.  This new international educational exchange program enables individuals from Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey and South Africa to study at a community college in the United States to develop professional skills. 

Eligible fields are Business Management and Administration; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Health Professions, including Nursing; Media; Information Technology; Security and Public Safety; and Engineering Science.


  • Have completed a secondary school education; D1, D2, D3 and S1
  • Preference will be given to High School Diploma
  • Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree are eligible if they are applying in a field different from the field of their degree and have relevant work experience in the field for which they are applying. 
  • Applicants with MA or PhD degrees are not eligible to participate.
  • Have relevant work experience in the field in which they are applying;
  • Have English language skills that provide a basis for enrolling in academic coursework following approximately 6 months of intensive English language study in the U.S.;
  • Submit a complete application; and Minimum Institutional TOEFL score 500 or TOEIC score 650 atau IELTS 5.0 (only scores less than 2 years old are valid).


The Community College Summit Initiative Program will provide funding for round-trip airfare to the U.S.; a living allowance during English language, academic, and practical training program components; tuition costs; health insurance; and cultural enhancement activities.  Students will be hosted in groups by community colleges competitively selected to participate in the program.  Programs may range from six months to two years in duration and may result in either a certificate or an Associate Degree.  Students are required to return home at the end of their program and may not transfer to a four-year U.S. academic institution.


AMINEF is administering this program on behalf of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.  Please return to AMINEF your complete application package (original application and two copies) by the application deadline that includes:

  • Completed application form.
  • Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS score report.
  • Copy of high school diploma (English translation).
  • Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).

Please send the application package to AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720 NO LATER November 1, 2010


The International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP) is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and is implemented by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board), a Washington, DC based non-profit organization.

ILEP will consist of a semester-long academic program at a U.S. university, including coursework and intensive training in teaching methodologies, lesson planning, teaching strategies for their home environment, teacher leadership, as well as the use of computers for internet, word processing and as tools for teaching. The semester-long program, which will commence in January 2010 and conclude in May 2010, will also include an internship at a secondary school to engage participants actively with the American teachers and students.

The Fellowship provides:

  • J-1 visa support
  • A pre-departure orientation held in Indonesia
  • Round-trip airfare to and within the U.S.
  • A Welcome Orientation in Washington, DC
  • Academic program fees
  • Housing (generally shared with other program fellows)
  • Accident and sickness insurance
  • A daily allowance for meals and incidentals during the university academic program
  • A laptop computer
  • A $200 book/professional development allowance
  • A Closing Seminar in Washington, DC
  • A $100 excess bagage/shipping allowance (international)
  • A $80 checked bagage allowance (domestic)
  • The opportunity to apply for collaborrative grants with U.S. colleagues

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be secondary-level, full-time teachers with five or more years of classroom experience in disciplines including: English as a Foreign Language, Social Studies, Civics, Mathematics or Sciences.
  • Be citizen of Indonesia
  • Be proficient in written and spoken English with a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 500 or higher or IELTS 5.0

DEADLINE 15 April 2010

2010 International Fulbright Science and Technology Award For Ph.D Study

The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 awards to be competed worldwide under the aegis of International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Ph.D. study at top U.S. institutions in science, technology, or engineering for the 2010-2011 academic year matriculants. The Fulbright Program in Indonesia promotes mutual understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America through educational exchange and academic scholarship. Fulbright scholarships for this particular program are available to Indonesian citizens with the appropriate qualifications as stipulated below.


  • a Bachelor and/or Master’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale). Undergraduate students who will complete the degree before August 1, 2010 may also apply.
  • demonstrated leadership qualities.
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and other cultures.
  • a deep commitment to the chosen field of study.
  • a determination to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright program.
  • a minimum institutional  TOEFL score of 580 or IELTS 6.5 or higher at the time of application.
  • a minimum GRE quantitative score of 700 (GRE test will be required if selected for nomination).

DISCIPLINES: Aeronautics and Astronomics/Aeronautical Engineering, Agriculture (theoretical or research-based focus only), Astronomy / Planetary Sciences, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Sciences/Engineering, Energy, Engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum), Environmental Science/Engineering · Geology / Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Information Sciences / Engineering (engineering focus only; business-focused study is not eligible), Materials Science/Engineering, Mathematics, Neurosciences, Oceanography, Physics, Public Health (research or theoretical focus only)


2011 – 2012 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Global UGRAD

Program Description:

The Office of Academic Exchange Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U. S. Department of State, is pleased to announce a new exchange program for undergraduate students-the 2011 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)

The Global UGRAD Program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of U.S. Study in a NON-DEGREE Program. The goals of the program are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and underrepresented groups in Indonesia and East Asia.

All global UGRAD Program participants will be enrolled full-time in undergraduate course work chosen from the institution’s (US) existing curriculum to allow students ample opportunity for ongoing interaction with U.S. Faculty and student peers, and for exposure to U.S. academic and classroom culture..

To ensure that students succeed in their new academic environments, host institutions will offer tailored instruction on topics including academic research and writing, critical thinking, time management, note taking, and studying for and taking tests. Participants will live on campus with American peers.

Students will also be provided with opportunities to participate in up to ten hours of community service per semester. Additionally, an internship component will be offered to all academic-year participants during the academic component of the program. Internships will be related to each participant’s field of study and/or career plans.

Participants may be eligible for up to 4 weeks of intensive English Language instruction in the United States prior to the start of academic portion of their program.


  1. Scholarships will be granted to students who currently are enrolled in S-1 degree programs only, and have completed their first semester and up to their firth semester of undergraduate study at an Indonesian university.
  2. Applicants should demonstrate leadership potential through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.
  3. Applicants must have minimum institutional TOEFL score of 500-score or IELTS 5.0 less than two years old. In some cases a personal interview by a fluent qualified Native English Speaker who can confirm that the nominee would be able to achieve that score when tested is acceptable. Candidates must also meet all the requirements of the institution where admission is being sought.
  4. Preference will be given to those who have had little or NO experience in the U.S. or outside of their home countries.
  5. Applications can be for either for one semester or two semesters based on nominee’s availability. No applications should be submitted for both one semester and full year programs.
  6. Applicants are required to return to Indonesia after the completion of the one or two semester program.

Submission of Applications: November 1, 2010           


Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

  • a Bachelor (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
  • leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures a
  • demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright-DIKTI program
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS score of 6.0

DEADLINE April 30, 2010.


Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will possess:

  • a Master’s (S2) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale)
  • leadership qualities
  • a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures 
  • demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study
  • a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright-DIKTI program
  • a minimum institutional TOEFL score of 575 or IELTS score of 6.5

DEADLINE April 30, 2010.


This research grant is intended to provide U.S. research opportunities for Indonesian university doctoral candidates who are in the final stages of writing their dissertation. The grant duration is for a period of four months. The applicant should have a minimum institutional TOEFL score of  525 or IELTS 5.5. to participate in this program.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at:

  • Fulbright-DIKTI Scholarship Program
  • Direktorat Ketenagakerjaan, Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi
  • Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
  • Gedung D lt. 5.
  • Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Pintu 1 Senayan
  • Jakarta 10002

DEADLINE – August 31, 2010.


This research grant is for Indonesian scholars who have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional qualifications. The grant affords Indonesian scholars the opportunity to conduct research in the U.S. for a period of three to six months. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency to conduct research in the U.S.

Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Forms are available either by mail or in person at:

  • Fulbright-DIKTI Scholarship Program
  • Direktorat Ketenagakerjaan, Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi
  • Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
  • Gedung D lt. 5.
  • Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Pintu 1 Senayan
  • Jakarta 10002

DEADLINE – August 31, 2009.

Keterangan lebih jelas dapat dilihat pada website AMINEF dengan alamat

Informasi Beasiswa Lainnya:

17 Tanggapan

  1. Saya sangat tertarik dengan program beasiswa ini,,, ini adalah impian saya bisa belajar di USA… tolong update ke saya tentang program beasiswa ini…
    thanks before

  2. I want register you job.,.

  3. Selamat,
    Saya seorang dokter gigi, ingin melanjutkan ke pendidikan spesialis.. apabila ada informasi mengenai beasiswa utk dokter gigi, mohon tolong kirim via email.. trims 🙂

  4. halo nama saya rado, saya tamatan fakultas hukum di universitas swata dengan predikat memusakan, saya tertarik dengan program FULBRIGHT MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAM, saya ingin sekali melanjutkan Master saya di Amerika
    tolong diberikan info perihal beasiswa tersebut, mau lihat profil saya ada di blog pribadi dan untuk minta untuk infonya ke Email :

  5. hi..
    nama saya taty.
    saya lulusan dr sekolah akuntasi, dengan IPK yg memuaskan.
    saya ingin mencari beasiswa lanjut s2 ke luar negeri.
    klu ada aplikasi info ttng beasiswa terbaru, tolong dikirmkan ke alamat email saya,

    Terima kasih:D

  6. salam kenal, 🙂

    saya seorang fresh graduate (S1) pada salah satu perguruan tinggi Negeri, saya sangat berminat mengikuti program beasiswa FULBRIGHT PRESIDENTIAL PHD PROGRAM dan FULBRIGHT-DIKTI DOCTORAL DISSERTATION RESEARCH (DDR) AWARD PROGRAM, tapi sayang deadline sudah kadarluarsa, jadi saya sangat mengharapkan tolong emailkan info-info terbaru beasiswa fulbright ini.

    Terima kasih

  7. terima kasih atas infonya

  8. maaf, sebelumya aku gi cari beasiswa tentang studi agama atau filsafat S2.

  9. Hallo,
    Saya seorang guru SMP mengajar bidang study bahasa Inggris, saya ingin mengetahui informasi yang lebih banyak lagi tentang FULBRIGHT FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING ASSISTANT (FLTA) PROGRAM dan syarat-syaratnya apa saja. Atau mungkin ada beasiswa lain yang sesuai dengan bidang saya. Tolong kirim ke email saya, thanks a lot.

  10. hi

    im Rica sugandi an english teacher, I always dreams to continue my study at abroad. please come send the information to my email please for master of education..please..

    this is my email;


  12. Nama Saya Gusti M. Agus dari Pontianak. Terima kasih atas info nya, apakah saya bisa mendapatkan registrasi form untuk beasiswa Bahasa Inggris tahun 2011. Kalau bisa. apakah bisa dikirim ke e-mail saya? terima kasih

    Gusti M. Agus S.Pd

  13. hallo.. 🙂
    saya seorang pns.. di kementerian kebudayaan dan pariwisata.
    bisakah dikirimkan ke email saya apabila ada beasiswa master program ke US untuk tahun 2011.
    atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
    Terima kasih

  14. NB: alamat email saya: terimakasih banyak sebelumnya

  15. Salam kenal,
    Saya, mekar sari, baru saja menyelesaikan program pascasarjana saya (S2) pada program studi magister desain kawasan binaan (urban-planning).
    Sebelumnya terimakasih banyak karena informasi pada web ini sangat menarik…. saya sangat tertarik pada program FULBRIGHT-DIKTI PH.D. PROGRAM dan FULBRIGHT PRESIDENTIAL PHD PROGRAM, tapi sungguh sangat menyesal karena baru melihat website ini sekarang.. bersediakah Anda mengirim informasi update schoolarship seperti ini ke email saya? terimakasih banyak sebelumnya……..
    Lalu untuk program Global UGRAD, apakah ada program seperti ini untuk seseorang yang sudah menyelesaikan S2 tetapi sangat tertarik pada pengembangan diri melalui dunia pendidikan seperti ini?… terimakasih banyak untuk informasi dan kesediaan Anda memberikan jawaban ke email saya.. GBU n always be success ………


  16. Terima kasih atas informasinya…
    Saya sangat tertarik dengan program Global UGRAD, pertukaran mahasiswa yang deadlinenya 1 November 2010, untuk mengikuti program tersebut apakah harus memiliki paspor dulu atau tidak??
    Global UGRAD merupakan program scholarship, cakupan biaya apa saja yang ditanggung??
    mohon bersedia memberi balasan ke email saya..
    trm kash…

  17. […] Informasi Beasiswa Fulbright Humphrey 2011/2012 […]

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